

Hi there,

I have 3 incomplete data sets, collected from 3 single crystals, each accounts for ~40% completeness. They have same resolution range, and randomly overlap with each other a small portion.

Mosflm and Scala work well for all 3 separately. The 2 from same beamline have very close statistics, while the 3rd from another beamline differs drastically. Reflections occuring both in the 1st and 3rd show amplitudes with large variance in either direction. The truncate process could be inaccurate because of low resolution. Knowing this I still have a few questions: 

1. is there alternate origin of unit cell for space group p321? 
2. does scala use all reflections in the reference data set to scale another? or just those occuring both in 2?
3. when scaling a data with a reference, does program work out an overall scale factor compared to reference, or a series of scales for different resolution shells? 
4. when combining 2 data, do people simply throw away redundancies, or use them for averaging? 
5. once all 3 combined, is it possible to make a statistics for this combined data set? 

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.


Yadong Yu
Postdoctoral scholar
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF
Genentech Hall, Rm316
600 16th ST,
San Francisco, CA 94158
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