

Staging the Page

                   Friday, 11 April 2008                   

 University of Wales, Swansea


Plenary speakers: David Worrall and Diego Saglia


The day conference organisers invite papers on all aspects of the theatrical and the paginary, the interfaces between them and their intersections with Romantic period culture.  In other words, please interpret as loosely or as strictly as you like.


Subjects might include:


Romantic theatre, circus, pantomime, cartoons, spectacle and the spectacular, exhibition[ism], street theatre, closet drama, amateur dramaticals, actors, performativity, performing gender, gendering performance, pageantry oratory/rhetoric/public speaking/sentimental swearing, dramatic monologue, melpomonishness [testing!], political speeches, stage versions, novel adaptation, title-pages, poetry/review/newspaper pages, printing, print culture, typesetting, founts, ‘wire wove hot pressed’, capitalization, annotation, marginalization, illustration, metatext, hypertext, book production/history  […]


Proposals for papers (max. 250 words) should be e-mailed to Professor Caroline Franklin  [log in to unmask]  by Monday, 11 February 2008.





British Association for Romantic Studies           


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