

TCs in the News: An interesting angle from Montana


Letter: Positive program errs in cutting phone calls

This is in regard to the fairly new methamphetamine treatment facility in Lewistown, Nexus. It is quite an enterprising and novel concept and more than a glorified typical prison - nine months of adult timeout in a therapeutic community. I do see and hear of a lot of positive changes and give Nexus many kudos. The men are "family members" and held accountable to one another. They're certainly not the Norman Rockwell variety, but this place does instill a sense of self-worth, pride and respect. 

Which brings me to my point. My husband is in there, and many of us wives and mothers work long and hard to come and see our loved ones, which requires an all-day trip and expense for that time. One week ago, another "family member" violated a rule - a minor infraction, but one would think whoever he is that he had incited a riot. So now the management team and administration and the higher-ups in Butte have exercised their clout and pulled the...

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