

NEA Four
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The "NEA Four", Karen Finley, Tim Miller, John Fleck, and Holly Hughes, 
were performance artists whose proposed grants from the United States 
government's National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) were vetoed by John 
Frohnmayer in June 1990. Grants were overtly vetoed on the basis of subject 
matter after the artists had successfully passed through a peer review 
process. The artists won their case in court in 1993 and were awarded 
amounts equal to the grant money in question, though the case would make 
its way to the United States Supreme Court in National Endowment for the 
Arts v. Finley.[1] In response, the NEA, under pressure from Congress, 
stopped funding individual artists.

And in an even more reactionary response, the NEA during the W(ORST) Empire 
funded uncontroversial productions of Shakespeare, guaranteed not to change 
anyone's life.  Not unlike classical music used as muzak.

Barry Alpert

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 12:53:41 -0600, joe green <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Or is it that the money might be better spent
elsewhere?  Vegetable orchestras?