

Anny Ballardini wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen, and pals and gents and girls and boys and readers and
> not readers and members and santas and unholy holinesses and ...

Holiness?  Thank you, and I haven't even been ordained yet.

If Joe Green is a troll than I am Little Red Riding Hood.  Good grief.

If for no reason other than simple gratitude, I can't buy this.  Okay, 
first: Joe is witty, fast, amazingly learned, and he can throw shit at 
you and make it smell like perfume.  And for me it's also personal.  I 
have also known him and/or of him since about 1992.  That's longer than 
most internet acquaintanceships last.  He paid attention to my work when 
almost nobody else would.  I don't know, maybe *that* is a fault, but 
I'd like to think otherwise, deluded moi.  Troll...having read the 
definition, I remember incidents where the word was thrown at me.  From 
people on this list, mes amis, via this list, from people who ran 
screaming to Ms. Croggan like she was the Mother Superior in some 
freaking parochial school that Ken dipped someone's pigtail in the inkwell.

Now it's my turn to be offended:-).


Kenneth Wolman

		To My Children

		One last thing I will do for you:
		I will grow up.--Mairead Byrne