

I know an issue similar to this was discussed some time ago, however I hope it's worth asking again, as thinking may have changed over time.
We have a number of legacy servers in the University hosting static content generated with MS FrontPage.
To my eye most of these pages are outdated, difficult to use, and they do not reflect well on the University as they are all hosted under * addresses. They also have no standards for accessibility or other guidelines enforceable on them.
Some of these sites are for cross-institutional groups, and for that reason there tend to be objections to moving the sites in to our CMS. What do you do in your University? 
I am unusually inclined to say "it's our way or the highway" on this - if we are hosting the site of a cross-institutional group, of course all the logos of the group should be on the CMS pages, but I really don't see a problem with the page being primarily University of Westminster branded. If people really can't handle that, I'm happy to recommend external suppliers to them.
I don't want to stifle good academic web sites, but I also don't want embarrassing FrontPage mess kicking around under our domain name. What are your thoughts?

Rob Fenwick
Web Manager, University of Westminster
Tel: +44(0)20 7911 5000 ext 3860

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