I just discovered a mistake, so for the record, the mexmaci files were compiled for R2007a i.e. Matlab 7.4, excuse me.


On 26/11/2007, at 15.11, Torben Ellegaard Lund wrote:

Hi Leonhard

I personally prefer to run matlab in the terminal window (but having started X11 in advance). If you write matlab -nodesktop in the terminal window you have access to the editor if you write edit, and you be able to cut and paste into the command line, and open the finder from the maltab prompt e.g. by writing !open .

On 26/11/2007, at 14.47, Leonhard Schilbach wrote:

Hi Torben,

Thanks for your help! SPM5 seems to be running fine on my Macbook under Matlab 7.3, but only if I start matlab directly from an X11 terminal (matlab –nojvm) without the editor window (otherwise you get: “Java for ppc cannot run in this configuration.”). This is somewhat annoying, that’s why I tried to switch to 7.4 hoping that I wouldn’t have the same problems.

I have downloaded SPM5 again and the latest updates which I have copied into the SPM5 folder. When I start SPM5 on matlab 7.4 now things seem to run smoothly, but one problem I have noted is that I can’t overlay SPMs on templates or mean anatomical images which gives the following error:

Can not use image "/Applications/MATLAB_SV74/spm5new/canonical/single_subj_T1.nii,1"
Warning: Nothing to register with
> In spm_orthviews>register at 589
  In spm_orthviews at 330
  In spm_sections at 33
  In spm at 858
??? Reference to non-existent field 'registry'.

Error in ==> spm_orthviews>register at 591
st.centre = spm_XYZreg('GetCoords',st.registry.hReg);

Error in ==> spm_orthviews at 330

Error in ==> spm_sections at 33

Error in ==> spm at 858

??? Error using ==> spm('PopUpCB',gcbo)
Reference to non-existent field 'registry'.

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback



Am 26.11.2007 14:11 Uhr schrieb "Torben Ellegaard Lund" unter <[log in to unmask]>:

Hi Leonhard

I have not tried Matlab 7.4.0 on my MacBookPro yet. But I do know that SPM works well on intel macs with Matlab 7.3.0 installed on either Tiger or Leopard.  7.3.0 is the version the mexmaci files were compiled for. As these files are not in the original SPM5 distribution, you need to have the latest update installed, is that the case? Also if you want to compile the C-programs yourself make sure you have the mac XcodeTools installed.


On 26/11/2007, at 13.33, Leonhard Schilbach wrote:

Dear SPMers & experts,
 I am trying to run SPM5 using Matlab 7.4.0 on a Macbook. I can start the program just fine, but whatever I am trying to do I get errors indicating that files are not compiled such as:
 In Batch_Analysis_imp_SE at 28
 ??? Error using ==> spm_list_files at 15
 spm_list_files.c not compiled - see spm_MAKE.sh
 Error in ==> Batch_Analysis_imp_SE at 33
         [Files,Dirs] = spm_list_files(datarun{run},'s*.img');
 ??? Error using ==> spm_sample_vol at 36
 spm_sample_vol.c not compiled - see Makefile
 Error in ==> spm_get_data at 41
     Y(i,:) = spm_sample_vol(V(i),XYZ(1,:),XYZ(2,:),XYZ(3,:),0);
 Error in ==> spm_getSPM at 525
     Z = min(Z,spm_get_data(xCon(i).Vspm,XYZ));
 Error in ==> spm_results_ui at 264
 [SPM,xSPM] = spm_getSPM;
 ??? Error using ==> [hReg,xSPM,SPM] = spm_results_ui;
 Error using ==> spm_sample_vol at 36
 spm_sample_vol.c not compiled - see Makefile
 ??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
 When trying to compile using the following commands...
make PLATFORM=Darwin.intel
 make install PLATFORM=Darwin.intel
...I end up getting the following error message in X11:
 mex -O  -c spm_mapping.c
 gcc-3.3: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory
     mex: compile of 'spm_mapping.c' failed.
 Any advice and help with this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much in advance!
Leonhard Schilbach
 Department of Psychiatry
 University of Cologne
 Kerpener Str. 62
 50924 Cologne, Germany
 mobile: +49 170 386 6983
 facsimile: + 49 221 478 3738