

Generator Microsoft Word 11 (filtered medium) I am in the process of revising and updating the membership leaflet for 2008. Can exec members let me know if there is anything in the leaflet that they would like changed or added? (I will amend the details of exec membership and change Policy World to twice a year) The leaflet can be accessed from the website at :

There are a couple of specific points I wondered about:
Adam: we should amend the bit about the post-graduate group to refer to the post-graduate conferences rather than the training run in conjunction with the ESRC

Chris and Nicola: Is there anything that you want to say about international links

I have forgotten what the situation is about a President -  Polly has finished, but we don' t have a replacement as yet, is that right? In which case shall I just leave the President position off the leaflet?

I don' t think it is accurate to say as a benefit of membership that we have an expanding range of publications that support teaching, research and practice in social policy, so propose to remove that.

Finally, given that we seem to have come to the end of the road with direct debits (at least for the time being) I wonder whether we could get a facility to enable people to pay on-line through Paypal or something similar. It would make it much easier for people to join, especially from overseas. This is also relevant to the conference -  it would be really good if people could fill in the form and pay for that on line too. Rana, is this something you could look into -  or I am willing to if you can give me the contact details of the person at NatWest who you have been dealing with.

Karen Clarke
Senior Lecturer in Social Policy
Politics, School of Social Sciences,
University of Manchester,
Arthur Lewis Building,
Oxford Road,
Manchester M13 9PL

Tel: 0161-275-4770
email: [log in to unmask]