

Hey, listen in... @ 10:00... in 16 minutes...

>> free103point9: transmission arts
>> FRIDAY: Damian Catera for Tremor_4 festival
>> (((((   DAMIAN CATERA FOR TREMOR_4 )))))
>> Nov. 9, 2007: 10 p.m. - 10:45 p.m.
>> on free103point9 Online Radio
>> Damian Catera performs, "Strategies Against Communication: The Semiotics 
>> of The Headless Dachshund (for tremor_4 <Live.Doc> festival)." This 
>> 45-minute live, online sound performance is the latest in a series of 
>> pieces which explore and realign the relationship between the components 
>> of the linguistic sign: signifier and signified. More specifically, it 
>> functions as an examination of the dynamic relationship between text 
>> (content) and emotion (expression). It is my belief that our cognition of 
>> information and negotiation of meaning is largely based on the 
>> interdependence of these two elements. Poet GE Schwartz and performance 
>> artist Abbey Brace will be special guest vocalists.
>> The text component of this performance piece is appropriated from an 
>> internet community discussion forum in Jersey City, New Jersey. The text 
>> is from a discussion thread about an unsubstantiated account of a 
>> dachshund, who's head was allegedly bitten off during an attack by an 
>> off-leash pitbull, and the subsequent neighborhood outrage over the 
>> rumored event.
>> As in previous Strategies pieces, the appropriated text is cut up and 
>> randomly reassigned to one of a variety emotional states for recitation. 
>> For this version, the text fragments will be randomly aligned to the 
>> various synthetic voices of the Mac OS and will be recited by the 
>> computer itself.
>> I find online discussion forums to be interesting on a variety of levels. 
>> At their best, they can be tools for community building and at their 
>> worst, they can be vehicles of mass hysteria and harassment. Participants 
>> in these communities create their own online identities as an extension 
>> of themselves, yet also construct the personalities of the other 
>> participants based on their own negotiations of signified and signifier. 
>> Participants my never actually meet but have created these very specific 
>> identity constructions of the people that they communicate with.
>> Aside from the formal/ semiotic explorations of appropriated text, this 
>> piece implicitly functions as a critique of the inherent limitations of 
>> language and the internet as communication technologies.
>> Tremor Live Arts, presents Tremor_4, a festival of performance art that 
>> will occur in the artist's present location. This year's version of the 
>> annual Tremor Live Arts Event, <Live.Doc>, will happen on the internet in 
>> the form of a gallery, online portal, program and archive. Tremor_4 will 
>> be a freestyle and open-source festival that depends on the cooperation 
>> of the participating artists to succeed. We invite your collaboration in 
>> the production of this shared event! The festival is divided into four 
>> arenas of activity; street art, art space, transmission and electronic 
>> arts, and missing link. No-media is restricted to a specific Arena of 
>> activity." - Damian Catera
>> For more information see: