

Beautiful Stephen, especially the November 27 entries.

- Peter

On Nov 28, 2007 8:18 PM, Stephen Vincent <[log in to unmask]> wrote: <%20%20%20>

    New on the blog

    Viz Lit, that is, digital camera in hand, the search to find visual
analogs   (objective correlatives?) for whatever it may be: a literary form,
a specific memory - a heightened moment in a romance - the visual
complications in a metaphysical conceit, a particular image inside a
specific poem, or, pushing it,  something found in a theory or practice...
Why not some examples? ["Persimmons",  lost, early Robert Creeley Lyric, an
Abbreviated Arkansas Black Apple Sonnet, Ezra Pound's nuts, &  a Sunday
Morning Meeting of Poets at the Intersection 19th & Valencia].


    Ghost Signage or The ATA House of Clifford Hengst

    &, if you are in the San Francisco Bay, I am reading tomorrow evening
with Pat Reeed, Thursday, 7:30 at Pegasus Books on Shattuck Ave. in
Berkeley, hosted by Clay Banes.

    As always, comments appreciated.

    Stephen Vincent

UNCOMMON VISION - The Art of Peter Ciccariello
66 pp. 42 color plates.