

Max Richards wrote:
> Thanks, Patrick, and Doug, for the humorous advice.
> Now, please, you-all with experience,
> How DO you run a one-off workshop?
> I need to know before this Sunday.
> Max

I have precisely one of these to my name, and I got stuck doing it 3 
years ago as the "price" for being a featured reader at an art gallery 
in north Jersey.  I had to psych myself into thinking I had something to 
tell anyone about anything.  So what I was pointed toward were prompts 
and exercises devised by someone named Bernadette Meyer.  I don't 
remember the prompt I came up with or the poems that came out of it, but 
it was lively and fun because *they* were doing the work and learning 
from each other.  I was just that (puke) facilitator you've heard about.


Kenneth Wolman

"I agree with the Chekhov character who, when in a crisis, he is reminded that 'this, too, shall pass,' responds 'Nothing passes.'"--Philip Roth