

Jon Corelis wrote:
>>>> The *Paris Review* will never interview me. ...
> Q.   What's your opinion of the present state of poetry in America?
> A.   Poetry sucks, America sucks, and you suck.
> Q.  What major poets writing today are you influenced by?
> A.  They all suck.
> Q.  What do you think will be the future of poetry in America?
> A.  It sucks.

The above dialogue is a wonderful imitation of a playwright named Dennis 
Jasudowicz whose brief drama "Slumming" appeared in what used to be the 
Tulane Drama Review.  As I recall it, it was very much like Edward 
Bond's "Saved" except the humanoids, instead of stoning a baby to death, 
set fire to a screaming homeless guy.  Great art in both cases.  Here is 
a link to Mr. Jasudowicz's preface to "Slumming" so you may gauge the 
quality of his intellect:

Jasudowicz actually proves Artaud was onto something with his statements 
about No More Masterpieces.  Those of you with institutional logins via 
university libraries may read the whole thing.


Kenneth Wolman

"I agree with the Chekhov character who, when in a crisis, he is reminded that 'this, too, shall pass,' responds 'Nothing passes.'"--Philip Roth