

Lordy, Ken, and are you urgently looking for work?
Best from Max (comfortable pensioner)

On 19/11/07 1:32 PM, "Kenneth Wolman" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> TheOldMole wrote:
>> I love the Fields movie. Thanks for the link. And is there more of a
>> story on your blog firing?
> There is indeed more but I'm not sure I can tell it.  Let's say the
> final entries proceeded from a dark and vicious place, that the idea of
> privacy is a delusion, and that I've got nobody but myself to hold
> accountable for what happened to me.
> Ken
> ------------------
> Kenneth Wolman
> "I agree with the Chekhov character who, when in a crisis, he is reminded that
> 'this, too, shall pass,' responds 'Nothing passes.'"--Philip Roth
