

This is a reminder that the next online midwifery meeting is being held tomorrow - Thursday 29th November at 10pm New Zealand time (London Thursday 29th 9am UCT/GMT). Check here to see the time where you live - Time Zone.

This meeting is going to be focused on research and is open to anyone interested in midwifery research, especially postgraduate students and their supervisors. This is an opportunity for researchers, especially students to network and share information about their research. This is particularly aimed at midwives who are studying/researching in an isolated context. The meeting will also be of interest to anyone who wants to get experience of using online meeting software, in particular Elluminate.

The meeting will start with a very brief overview of midwifery research in New Zealand and then will be open to general discussion about whatever interests and benefits participants.

Check here for more detailed instructions. I will be online a couple of hours before hand so if you have any queries please contact me by email: sarahstewart07(at)

or Skype:
sarah.m.stewart or sarahstewart07(at)

Be there or be square!

Image: 'Cat volume computation'