


On Thu, Nov 01, 2007 at 02:08:22PM +0200, Antti Korvenoja wrote:
> Hi!
> This error (see previous postings) seems to be related to the file size. 
> I truncated the timeseries to various sizes and managed to execute the 
> fslstats command for timeseries containing up to 600 volumes. With 
> longer timeseries the system started swapping and came near to lock-down 
> while processing (I have 2 GB RAM and 3 GB swap on my laptop) and 
> finally produced the error. There seems to be drastic change in the 
> system behaviour when the critical file size is exceeded. The size of 
> the file I'm trying to process is slightly over 150 MB.
I can confirm this behaviour on an AMD64 system with 12GB RAM running Debian

I uses a 4d image with 902 volumes with (uncompressed) slightly more
than 2GB to test fslstats.

Calling 'fslstats -R' is quick and uses only slightly more memory than the
actual file size.

However adding the '-k' option with a mask image changes
the situation completely. fslstats consumes all physical memory (12GB!)
and some swap space. Therefore the calculation take a lot longer, but
doesn't abort (the machine has another 10GB of swap). This would be different
of course, if all swap space is used as well.

At the moment I haven't had the chance to look into fslstats code, but
there was no change to it from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1.

I'd be glad, if someone could try a similar thing using the binaries
provided by FMRIB to confirm that this bug is not Debian/Ubuntu-specific.
Currently I don't see, what could cause this bug on Debian/Ubuntu, but
not on other systems.



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