

Call for papers
Workshop at the ECPR 2008 Joint Sessions of Workshops
Friday 11th - Wednesday 16th April 2008, University of Rennes, France

Politics of Intellectual Property

Convenors: Sebastian Haunss (University of Konstanz, Germany) and
Kenneth C. Shadlen (London School of Economics, UK)

Intellectual property (IP) has become an issue of utmost importance  
in the contemporary global economy. How should the private or  
collective acquisition and control of knowledge be governed? Which  
frameworks for managing IP are optimal for stimulating the production  
of knowledge while also facilitating use? These overarching questions  
are increasingly the subject of political conflicts over what types  
of knowledge can and should be privately owned, and about how much  
power owners should have to restrict access to privately owned  

The prevailing regulatory model, first adopted in the OECD and  
transmitted throughout the world by means of a variety of  
multilateral and regional agreements, is informed by an expectation  
that more and stronger intellectual property rights improves social  
welfare. Yet as some actors push for continuous expansion of IPRs,  
others point to the negative impact that strong private, exclusionary  
rights over knowledge can have on downstream innovation and  
consumers’ abilities to access critical knowledge-based goods.  
Parallel to this welfare-based debate over the relative utilities of  
different IP frameworks, another debate focuses on the philosophical,  
ethical, and moral rationale for and objections to private ownership  
of knowledge. In short, the increasing importance of intellectual  
property in the global economy has been accompanied by a wide range  
of political conflicts, as actors contest the structure, scope, and  
boundaries of existing frameworks for establishing and regulating  
intellectual property rights.

The following areas of conflict areas are notable, though this list  
is far from comprehensive:

* Biodiversity: Patentability of genetic sequences of indigenous plants.
* Biomedical biotechnology: Patentability of genetically modified  
life forms and genetic sequences.
* File Sharing: Pirate parties, copying and distribution of music and  
* Public health: Access to essential medicines.
* Software: Patents for software (and business methods).
* Research Tools: Access to publicly funded research and the  
availability of research tools.
* Technology Transfer: The constraints placed on industrial firms in  
developing countries that seek to adapt advanced technologies to  
local demand.

Each of these issues raises complex economic, legal, and political  
questions. And each provides illustration of the sorts of conflicts –  
over utility and morality – indicated above.

Our workshop will examine these diverse lines of political conflict.  
We invite participants to present papers that address these (and  
other) areas of political conflict over IP. We welcome papers that do  
so theoretically and/or empirically.

While the broad topic of intellectual property has received  
considerable attention in recent years, particularly from lawyers and  
activists, remarkably few political scientists have turned their  
attention to this issue. Our workshop aims to encourage this  
incipient research agenda and encourage scholars to direct their  
analytic energies toward the politics of IP. As such, we invite  
scholars working in international relations, political economy,  
social movement studies, political sociology, and other fields to  
confront their respective methodological perspectives and theoretical  
assumptions in a productive exchange that promises to lead to a  
fuller understanding of the social and political processes that  
affect the governance of intellectual property.

Please submit abstracts by 1st December 2007 to:

Sebastian Haunss <sebastian.haunss [at]> or
Kenneth Shadlen <k.shadlen [at]>

You can download a pdf-version of this call at: http://

For more information see the ECPR website: http://


Dr. Sebastian Haunss
University of Konstanz
Universitaetsstrasse 10
Fach D90
D-78457 Konstanz

tel:     +49-(0)7531-88-3757
fax:    +49-(0)7531-88-2855
email: sebastian.haunss at

Governing Intellectual Property Claims