For my sins, and for the very selfish reason that its completion will deliver a route from home to Central Station avoiding Blytheswood Hill and the M8 Junctions and suitable for riding across town with our kids, I'm, part of the Glasgow LSG.  I gather that ideally every Connect 2 project engages local officers and third sector groups in an LSG - are any others doing likewise?
One benefit of getting a good LSG is that many of the delays caused by late start of planning and other processes, can be reduced by preparation , and silly mistakes can be spotted by those with local knowledge - for example I spotted that the Glasgow project cycleroute into what the map-based design had assumed to be a public park was actually calling for the use of private gardens (that would certainly stir things up if the project was announced with plans on display!) and the route is actually restoring the historic Great Dumbarton Highway - the original route West from Glasgow which was a continuous route fro almost 200 years until the M8 came along and chopped it off from Glasgow.
Any others have support groups with strong or weak local support? For the latter there might be an appeal to local CTC and Cycle Campaign Groups to get ready for the delivery - with or without the Lottery money (Those who are involved with an LSG will understand that minor caveat....)
Dave Holladay

07 710 535 404