

You do of course all know that this is exactly what's been going on with the World Social Forum movement, don't you? I believe I'm right in saying that this year saw the first US Social Forum and I've been to the first three European Social Forums (in one political guise or another) in Florence, Paris and London.

So far as "Big Tent" barnstorming goes, this is what happens in the social forum movement (the so-called 'movement of movements') which arose really not only in response to the apparent omnipotence of neo-liberal geopolitics and the absence of a cogent left-other, but also as a means of preventing the old Protean left groupings such as the Socialist Workers Party in the UK from taking over and closing down agency as they did so frequently in the 1990s (the anti-Poll Tax movement was an example of that).

On the WSF website (which you can just google, if your principles allow you..) there is a mass of documents by people like Waterman, Sousa Santos, Teivainen, Graeber and Escobar on exactly these sorts of questions as applied to post-socialist, post-neoliberal political movements and activism. If you were to undertake the kind of cyber activity that's being discussed now on this list, you should really take a look at what's on there first (and possibly the social forum Charter of Principles) in order to avoid re-inventiong the wheel, so to speak.

