

Hi folks,

here is news of a sophisticated piece of misinformation that you might
be interested in:

Researchers from the University of Arizona's Department of Climatology,
and the Department of Atmospheric Physics at Gothenburg University have
published research they believe will overturn the consensus view that
man's activities are causing global warming.

The good news is that the "researchers" have discovered what is pumping
all this extra CO2 into the atmosphere. The blame lies not with
humanity, but with benthic bacteria, which live on the continental
shelves of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and because a series of
algae blooms have wiped out their natural predators over the last 140
years, they have been enjoying a season of wild prosperity, the paper

"These periods of algal bloom, as the palaeontological record shows,
have been occurring for over three million years, and are always
accompanied by a major increase in carbon dioxide emissions, as a result
of the multiplication of bacteria when predator pressure is reduced.
They generally last for 150-200 years. If the current episode is
consistent with this record, we should expect carbon dioxide emissions
to peak between now and mid-century, then return to background levels."

But the good people at The Register have debunked this carefully-crafted

just in case anyone presents this as 'fact'...


Adam Warren
Learning Technologist
Tel: 023 80594486
Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit
B25/3073 Highfield Campus
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ