

Ken and all..

Although I have volunteered to participate, and will do that, I do believe
that Ken makes a valid, and courageous point. Our lives, and with that I
refer to all the various groups we work and play with, are entrenched in
technology. And I doubt I am alone when I suggest that this  progress, this
dependency has serious consequences, especially in communication. 

I like others have watched the dialogue..heard and observed the different
opinions, the sometimes cautious political 'phrasing', etc. I suggest, not
as an AACORN member ( because I have not earned the right to speak for or to
your group's history) - - but as a professional, that I think Ken has
pointed out some important points and it appears that  'email' may not be
the venue for ample discussion and decision. Here are some questions that
Ken's remarks suggest to me: 

.         Is this an 'either or conversation'? Is it a blog or a wiki? Or is
the root problem, that AACORN is trying to use one vehicle to accommodate
many interests ( conversation, new ideas, shared intellectual capital,
current and future collaborations, conference participation, and more)?

.         Does AACORN have a 'leadership team" that takes the lead on
membership and participation?  If so do they meet in cyberspace or face to

.         Are there special interest groups ( practice, academia, research,

.         Is AACORN planning any gatherings at Banff, or other conferences,
for AACORN members to gather, plan, party? 

As stated, glad to help, and glad to be involved, but is it possible that
AACORN is struggling with a typical 'growth' problem that has been unplanned
for and now needs to be managed. The basics.Who, What, Why, How, Where and
When. These are the very opportunities and challenges that business leaders
and consultants face as startups succeed and grow. 





Rochelle T. Mucha Ph.D.




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