

Dear SPMers,

I keep on getting this error message when I try to save or print my results.

??? Error using ==> graphics\private\prepare
Error using ==> graphics\private\prepare
Error using ==> graphics\private\prepareui
Printing of uicontrols is not supported on this platform.
Please ensure that feature('javafigures') is set to 1.

Error in ==> printdlg at 84

??? Error using ==> printdlg(gcbf)                             
Error using ==> graphics\private\prepare
Error using ==> graphics\private\prepare
Error using ==> graphics\private\prepareui
Printing of uicontrols is not supported on this platform.
Please ensure that feature('javafigures') is set to 1.

??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback


This is funny because it doesn't happen every time I try to save something.
 I am running SPM5 using Matlab 7.3.0. 

Is there another way to save the statistics?  Any help would be greatly

Many thanks,