Planning to be in Ethiopia?

Brian E. Wakeman

Education adviser




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From: David Bridges <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: Tirussew Kidanemariam <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, 12 October, 2007 11:02:57 AM
Subject: [Beramail] Ethiopian Educational Research Conference

International Conference on
Educational Research for Development
Addis Ababa University
13th to 15th May 2009
This is to give you early notice of a conference to take place in Addis Ababa in 2009 -- the first international educational research conference to be hosted in the country.  The organisers are very keen to extend an invitation to participants from BERA and to build relationships with the British educational research community.  Seven Deans from the leading departments of education in Ethiopia's universities will be attending next year's BERA conference in Edinburgh.
There is no more information available at this stage, but we shall distribute a call for papers in due course. Do plan ahead (it is only eighteen months away!) and keep this slot in your diaries.
Ethiopia is a wonderful country with an extraordinarily rich cultural heritage.  We shall be offering tourist packages linked to the conference for those who would like to take the opportunity to visit among other things  the source of the Blue Nile in Lake Tana and, the amazing rock churches of Lalibella (carved from the solid rock) or the archaeological remains of the ancient Axumite civilisation in Axum.
We look forward to seeing you in Addis!

Professor Tirussew Kidanemariam (Prof)
Dean of the College of Education
Addis Ababa University
Professor David Bridges
University of East Anglia and
Von Hugel Institute, St Edmund's College