

Is there any way to safely delete contrasts in SPM5?

Naively, I would just
    load SPM
then do
    SPM.xCon = [];
    save SPM SPM
but I'm a little leary of this because (a) I'm new to SPM5, (b) there's 
this new stuff using matlab classes.(*)

(*) One weirdness (here, SPM.mat is after estimating a second level model, 
but before running any second level contrasts):
- If I load SPM.mat without putting SPM5 in my matlab path, I get 
an "unknown object class error."  If I go ahead and type
    save SPM SPM
the resulting file is much smaller.
- If I have SPM5 in the matlab path, and then load SPM, I no longer get 
the unknown class error.  But if I save SPM to SPM.mat, it's still much 
smaller than it was before I loaded it.