

Dear collegues,

I've updated my website 
matthias.reimold/mascoi with a new version of MASCOI. Besides a small  
bug that is now corrected (see below), I haven't received any bug  
reports for half a year now, so I am releasing Version 2.1 final (no  
beta status anymore).

Changes since V2.1b:
- after loading another t-map, the filename displayed at the upper  
left of the window is now correctly updated (this was a bug)
- There's now a "select all" / "unselect all" command in the MenuBar.  
This function is particularly helpful on slower machines, where  
clicking on each row may take quite some time

Mascoi is an SPM-toolbox that can be used to browse the results of an  
SPM analysis, to explore atlas labels and to create bitmaps for  
publication. In particular, mascoi offers a side-by-side comparison  
of traditionally thresholded t-maps and "masked contrast images",  
created with a previously published algorithm. I recommend using  
masked contrast images for documentation for the following reasons:
- peak coordinates are anatomically more precise, particularly if  
images were smoothed (between-subject comparison, PET, VBM)
- colorcodes reflect the "signal" itself instead of the "signal-to- 
noise" ratio. Particularly if there is no doubt about the statistical  
significance of a finding, one might be interested in an outcome  
measure that is independent from the local noise.

give it a try...

Your sincerely,
Matthias Reimold

Dr. med. Matthias Reimold
Dept. of Nuclear Medicine and PET-Center
Röntgenweg 15
72076 Tübingen
Tel.: +49 7071 29 86406 or 87681
Mobil: +49 1727366730
FAX: +49 7071 29 5264