

Hi John,

If you don't want any SPM graphics, you have to remove all graphic 
output code from the SPM source.
Fortunately, there is an elegant solution if you use linux, called Xvfb 
(X Windows virtual frame buffer) which performs al graphical operations 
in memory.
Search in the SPM mailing list for Xvfb and you will find some more 
information on that.


<John> <Gelburg> schreef:
> Hi,
> I would like suppress the graphics in SPM 2 (all those windows, which are
> opened during processing of fMRI images). I tried to run the matlab in mode:
> matlab -nodisplay -nojvm, but I am still getting the windows opened.
> Interestingly, when just for test I run the command: spm ('Welcome') I am
> getting "Can't open any graphics windows..." error message. In addition, I
> tried to run the matlab in non graphical console, but then SPM complains,
> that it can't open UI elements.
> Is it feasible to run SPM without graphics output? I am running it remotely
> via Internet connection and the processing is enormously slow because of it.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> John