

Hi Jinsu,

> I have desgined paire t test
> so I got reasonabl result
> However, I copied these files into another foleder
> The same statistical analysis was then performed
> but, I found that result was not the same.
> in addition, design matrix was also different although every setting was 
> the same.

The first design matrix has the condition regressors before the
subject ones (I believe SPM99/2 used to do this), while the second
design matrix has the subject ones first (I think SPM5 does this). I
can't think how this could happen without changing software version or
similar, but it shouldn't be a major problem...

The equivalent contrast for the second design of a contrast [a b] for
the first, would be [zeros(1,N) a b] where N is the number of
subjects. E.g. for 10 subjects, and a contrast of [-1 1] for the
original design, you'd need [zeros(1,10) -1 1] for the second design.
Hopefully the results are the same then. Note that SPM zero-pads to
the right of contrasts which are too short (the [a b] of the first
design becomes [a b zeros(1,N)] automatically)
