

Probably already in, but how about '3 Days of the Condor', '1984' (a bit
obvious but not many more blatant examples of rewriting the records, and
made into a film starring Richard Burton, I believe), The Constant
Gardener (reports suppressed by government for the benefit of business)-
and as a lateral thought just to get Laurel and Hardy in there, 'Way out
West', where a will is misappropriated and its contents misreported to
the detriment of the rightful heiress - stretching the point, perhaps,
but worth including I think!

David Thew
Joint MD
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-----Original Message-----
From: The UK Records Management mailing list
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Martin
Sent: 21 September 2007 16:47
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: RM in cinema.

Fearing this may may have gone before but 'Name of the Rose ' by Umberto
Eco must be the classic to demonstrate the power of information control

From: The UK Records Management mailing list on behalf of Liz
Sent: Fri 21/09/2007 13:24
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: RM in cinema.

*         The Lives of Others - record-keeping being a staple of an
effective fascist regime...

*         Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - who had the notebook? Did
they check it out? Or update the location??

*         Lord of the Rings: which one?? - Gandalf flicking through the
archives of Minas Tirith (with I might add a naked flame and a lot of
dust). A good search engine would have found the answer. 

*         Sahara - Penelope Cruz uses events to find dates (not the
other way around) - innovative use of metadata

*         Memento - Guy Pierce keeps the record of his life on his own


Yay Friday afternoon!



Liz Scott-Wilson

Metataxis Limited

+44 (0)7746 815 317

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Designing the Information-Centric Environment


Registered in England and Wales, Company Number 4356463

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From: The UK Records Management mailing list
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of James Lowry
Sent: 21 September 2007 12:41
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: RM in cinema.


Again, apologies for cross-posting.
Further to my recent enquiry on this list about records management
training videos, I am trying now to think of films or television
programmes that portray the practice or effects of record keeping (good
or bad). I have seen a number of espionage/political thriller films like
this, but can't remember any of the titles.
I've seen this topic discussed on this list before, so I apologise for
returning to the subject again.
Can anyone recommend to me, perhaps off list, any films that might
illustrate records management fundamentals?
Thanks in advance,
James Lowry.


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