
 Some initial notes and photographs in response to the "Christopher
 Okigbo International Conference" Harvard and UMass Boston, September 19 -
 23, 2007. Okigbo, a poet of the generation of Wole Soyinka and Chinua
 Achebe was killed in 1967,  a soldier, in the first months of the
 Biafran/Nigeria Civil War. Up to just prior to the War, I was a lecturer, and
 coordinator of the campus poetry group at the University of Nigeria,
 Nssuka, the intellectual seat of what became Biafra, as well as home to
 the opposition to the separaton. As part of the Conference, organized
 by Chukwuma Azuonye - a  former student and research fellow at Harvard's
 Du Bois Institute - I was invited to participate and read in a reunion
 of my former students, colleagues and contemporary younger poets. Let
 alone my personal experience, in the reflective context of the diaspora
 of Nigerian writers and intellectuals, the whole event was quite
 incredible. Excerpt: 
 ....The Conference, its historical moment, reconnected many of
 currents that produced the initial war - the drive toward Biafra’s
 succession, and the forces of reconciliation. Soyinka, a Yoruba, though he was
 imprisoned by both sides - and a ferverent opponent of military rule,
 tirelessly worked for a Federalist form of reconciliation, inclusive of
 the Ibo, and inclusive of the minority tribes within Biafra, many of
 whom opposed the war. Achebe, an Ibo, and Biafran supporter, despaired of
 any rapprochement. Both writers were school mates and close friends of
 Okigbo. To have Achebe and Soyinka seated together on a public panel,
 reflecting on the life, work and decisions of the poet to support Biafra
 felt like a monumental moment, practically heart breaking in its
 emotional intensity. You could have cut the air with a knife...
 Stephen Vincent

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