

Very sorry to hear of your computer problems in Cardiff, Roger.  If my 
hands hadn't been burned in a fire set by an insane Republican terrorist 
with a molotov cocktail, I would pitch in.  Isn't there anyone out there 
(or students [of a subscriber] needing a project) who could continue 
Roger's valuable work on the archive?  I feel as if I'm "burning" my 
contributions to The Snapshot Project if they are not reformatted and 
searched by Google, especially when the Poetryetc archive remains private 
(for no reason a former list owner could recall).  It was very pleasing, 
for example, when the curator of a show of the painter Paul Brach called me 
up out of the blue to ask whether he could include my text in his 
catalogue, a text he had found by doing a search on the artist's name and 
eventually locating my work amongst the section of The Snapshot Project 
which Rebecca Seiferle had reformatted.  Barry

 On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 06:40:15 -0700, Roger Day <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The fuckwit of a landlord has decided to make things difficult for me
>with my internet connection by wanting NTL to lay the connection cable
>over the roof. NTL refuse to do such a thing because it would mean
>getting a cherry-picker - they can't use ladders at such a height
>because of the new H&S regs. Of course, they refuse to get a
>cherry-picker to do such a small job.
>I cannot update the archive from an internet cafe or the uni machines,
>where, as per normal, the facists of the "support" department treat
>the machines as their own personal property and not to be touched by
>the proles.
>I am stuck in this shithole for the next 10 months, so there will be
>no updates of the archive for the foreseeable future. I am frustrated
>and angry at having to disappoint my friends. And you have no idea how
>frustrating it is not to have a connection at my finger-tips, the
>limitations I now face. I am uncertain of my future as I have ever