

Aha, but according to your unofficial poet laureate, isn't sprawl THE 
Australian thing to do?

Maybe a bit more controlled sprawl, Max?

On 12-Sep-07, at 2:08 PM, Max Richards wrote:

> (I have heard back from my friend whose crash I mentioned, and he 
> reproves
> my writing for falling into something like unfeeling flippancy, so 
> much more
> work is needed to make my sprawl a poem.)
> Max
Douglas Barbour
11655 - 72 Avenue NW
Edmonton  Ab  T6G 0B9
(780) 436 3320

Latest book: Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)

People say they have to express their emotions.
I'm sick of that.  Photography doesn't teach
you to express your emotions;
it teaches you how to see.

	Berenice Abbott