

Dear Sophia,

I think the ASSET Languages can be more flexible as there are three levels
within each grade and the exam of each skill taken will lead to separate

I entered 22 of my year 9 students to sit in the preliminary listening and
reading papers in the summer term and 5 to sit in the breakthrough listening
and reading.  It was a useful experience and the majority of them will get
certificates except two students whose performance failed to reach 
level 4, the
bottom level in preliminary grade.  Even the weakest candidates were 
able to get
level 1 or 2 certificate.  Those who progress well to continue GCSE level were
able to get level 4,5, or even 6.  I was pleased with the result.

We use Asset languages Chinese exam for year 9 because we think it 
would be good
for the students, especially those who are not carrying on to do 
Chinese at GCSE
level, to have a certificate to show their achievement and experience in
learning Chinese.  We do not use it to substitute the GCSE.

Best wishes

Quoting Sophia Huang <[log in to unmask]>:

> Dear teachers,
>   I wonder if any of you have strong evidences, research and reasons for UK
>   non-native students to take the Asset languages Chinese rather than 
> GCSE Chinese.
>   Much appreciated.
>   I look forward to hearing from you.
>   Sophia
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