

Dear All

I hope you are well and coping with this very busy time. New students arriving in Plymouth are treated to a campus still very much in under construction in some places! Exciting new developments include our 'gateway' building, linking city and uni, and named to commemorate our late and much missed VC, Roland Lewinsky - whose vision of a city educational and cultural renaissance spearheaded by the University is still a vibrant factor here!

ALDinHE membership applications are still coming in - although we are still not yet up to the 70 odd mark - the number who indicated interest in the spring. To join, please complete the form on the website
and return to Caroline Cash our Secretary.

We will soon begin planning an innovative and inspiring LDHEN Symposium for 2008 ... in a northern UK location ... so if you have an idea for a workshop or paper you want to deliver, now is the time to start drafting. Watch this space for submission dates ...

The other purpose of this email is to ask if you have any conference bags you are not using! At Plymouth we have begun collecting unused 'freeby' conference briefcases, laptop size cases and fabric bags. Our plan is to collect as many as possible and then donate them to schools or colleges in areas abroad where children may not be able to afford bags. If you think this a worthwhile venture, please let me know and then begin collecting in your institution. In due course (probably after Christmas) time we will organise national collection and shipping to suitable locations.

Any help appreciated! Let me know if you are willing to be a bag-person/coordinator!

Very best wishes


John Hilsdon
Co-ordinator, Learning Development
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus

01752 232276

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