

Hello all, I am in the middle of processing DTI data from a 3T Philips magnet and have run into a problem creating my bvecs file. The gradient table below was taken directly from the magnet. 1,0,0 0,1,0 0,0,1 -0.1789,-0.1113,-0.9776 -0.0635,0.3767,-0.9242 0.7108,0.0516,-0.7015 0.6191,-0.4385,-0.6515 0.2424,0.7843,-0.571 -0.2589,-0.618,-0.7423 -0.8169,0.1697,-0.5513 -0.8438,0.5261,-0.106 -0.2626,0.9548,-0.1389 0.0001,0.9689,0.2476 0.7453,0.6663,0.0242 0.9726,0.2317,0.0209 0.,0.,0. I have read on this website ( that you need to "negate the x and z components" before producing the bvecs file. I'm assuming this is because FSL operates in a different coordinate system than the Philips scanner. Could anyone give me information on whether or not I need to negate some part of this gradient? Are there any other alterations I need to make before creating my bvecs file? Thanks so much for any info you can give me Christi