

Dear all

For the Sicily EBHC meeting in November we are discussing several 
"themes". One is "Change Management"

We will compile a list of ideas and circulate to everyone now and again 
after the Sicily meeting.

So I'd like to get your suggestions on a framework

To get this going I have a little discussion starter. 

Evidence based change mangement - this could range from readiness to change
theories to audit. What is the evdience that the Kitson model is more
appropraiet than the Lomas model? Can you compare them, does this matter?

1. Do certain change strategies for change work better in different settings
and is there a grid/table that can help people in those settings select the
most appropriate strategy?

2. I get a new POEM every day giving me evidence as well as weekly BMJ
updates. You can’t audit everything in practice – how do you know what to
start with? Is there a process or model for selecting the primary issue
within a given setting?

One of the major issues in assessing and E-B approach is that theoretically
we should be changing all the time and this plays havoc with the continuity
of management pillar of general/family practice. An example of this is the
dilemma of having the patent content taking a NSAID for their arthritis
while their blood pressure rises. As far as I know this has not really been
explored and no academic framework exists for the process of change at the
patient level. It is not just at the patient level where conflict occurs but
at strategy levels as well. For example we have guidelines that contradict
each other although both may have been through an AGREE process.

3. How does EB practice help the individual patient facing one of these

4. Has there been any work in the change management setting that has come up
with potential solutions for this continuous change

5. Should we be including in this theme work about risk sharing published by
authors like Elwyn and Montgomery?

Please could you help the discussion by adding any other areas of importance
in change management as it relates to evidence based health care or/and
provide suggestions for answers to the questions posed above.

Best wishes

Dr Martin Dawes
Chair Family Medicine
McGill University
515 Pine Avenue West, Montreal
Quebec, Canada
Tel 514 398 7375 x0469
Fax 514 398 4202