Learning on Screen 2008 - CALL FOR PAPERS
a British Universities Film & Video Council conference
at the University of York
18th & 19th March 2008

Learning on Screen 2008, organised by the British Universities Film & Video Council, will be a two-day conference and screening event marking the 60th anniversary of BUFVC and the use of moving image and related media in learning, teaching and research.  The conference will be held on 18th and 19th March 2008 at the National Science Learning Centre in York with a pre-meeting assembly on the afternoon and evening of 17th March (and with the Learning on Screen dinner and Awards ceremony on 18th March).  

The Conference will explore the following themes relating to the use of moving image, sound and related media in education and research:

Sixty Years of Moving Pictures in Higher Education
Moving image, sound and related media in UK higher education during the last 60 years – celebrating the past and exploring the future

Open Video Content
Its value and sustainability in learning and teaching

High Definition Moving Pictures
How will they have an impact on learning and research?

User-generated content
Valuing and using student- and staff-created works

Show and Tell
For producers to show and discuss their recent courseware, video content, moving image, sound and related media productions.

To submit a proposal, please send a 500 word summary with your full name and short CV to [log in to unmask], or by post to:
Learning on Screen, BUFVC, 77 Wells Street, LONDON, W1T 3QJ to arrive on or before 5pm Monday 5 November 2007.