

Royal Statistical Society Social Statistics Section
16 October 2007, 5.00pm, at the Royal Statistical Society 
(Tea from 4.30pm)
Measuring elder abuse and neglect in the UK
Bob Erens (NatCen) and Simon Biggs (Institute of Gerontology, Kings
College London)
Elder mistreatment is increasingly acknowledged as a social problem in the
UK, but there has been an absence of any sound data on its extent. In 2006,
NatCen and KCL carried out the first nationally representative survey of
elder abuse in the community. The seminar will describe the methods used to
measure elder abuse in private households, and prevalence estimates for the
four types of abuse (financial, psychological, physical and sexual) and
neglect will be provided.
The speakers will also discuss how the concept of elder abuse was
operationalised in the survey context, and some of the constraints and
limitations of the survey's methodology. In particular, the definition of
abuse occurring within a "relationship of trust", a concept which can be
operationalised in a number of ways, has proved to be quite contentious
since the survey results were published. The presentation will also look at
how the prevalence estimates have been used and mis-used since entering the
public domain. Some of the policy implications will be discussed, including
the need for responses that reflect the specific patterns of different forms
of abuse, the difficulty of generalising community findings to more
vulnerable groups in institutions and the need to develop more sophisticated
methods of investigation.
The seminar will be chaired by Susan Purdon. Attendance is free but
pre-registration is recommended. You can register by email:
[log in to unmask] or by phone (020) 7638 8998. For a map and directions
see We anticipate the seminar
will finish at around 6pm. For further information contact Susan Purdon on
020 7549 7064 or [log in to unmask]