

Hello - thought you might be interested in the link to the following
resources - access is free.

Equality and Diversity Toolkits 

Over the last year new resources have been developed for training on a
number of diversity issues within the Institute of Digital Learning in
the School of Education, at the University of Wales, Newport; supported
by the University's Centre for Community and Lifelong Learning.

The 'Addressing Barriers: Enhancing Services' series of Equality and
Diversity toolkits, are now available for all to access at 

The toolkits include a range of online learning materials with
interactive games that help people explore topics such as disability,
age and race equality. At present the materials that have been developed
for disability and race are fully accessible whilst further resources on
age will be available shortly.

For further details see the press release
<> .

Kind regards




Alison Preece

Equalities and Diversity Coordinator

University of Wales, Newport