



Dear Colleagues, 


Below this message is a Call for Contributions for a Language Learning and
Dyslexia symposium which we will be holding at SOAS on Friday February 15th


Could you please send this out to members on your database whom you think
may be interested to give a talk / workshop / poster presentation at the
symposium?  I would be grateful if you could cc me in when you send out the
email so that I have an idea of who it has gone out to.  


Many thanks, 

Carol Rifkin


Carol Rifkin 
Learning Adviser 
Learning and Teaching Unit 
School of Oriental and African Studies 
Russell Square 
Thornhaugh Street 

Tel: 0207 898 4554 
Fax: 0207 898 4549 
e-mail: [log in to unmask] 



Call for Contributions


Language Learning and Dyslexia Symposium


School of Oriental and African Studies, London

Friday 15th February 2008




Themes include: 


*        Ways in which dyslexia affects language learning

*        Teaching challenges and best practice

*        Dyslexia and alphabetic vs. logographic languages

*        How dyslexia manifests differently in different languages,
including diagnostic issues


Text Box: If you would like to run a workshop, present some findings or
design a poster, please send an outline of about 250 words, summarising your
contribution to Carol Rifkin [log in to unmask] 

Speakers include:


John Everatt               Expert in dyslexia and language learning in
different languages and scripts 

Oliver West               Specialist in visual-thinking skills and
strategies applied to language learning


The deadline for contributions is 30 September 2007.  

Charges for the day are £50 (all inclusive).  A concessionary rate of £25 is