

On Mon, 20 Aug 2007, Norman Gray wrote:

> I vaguely remember a discussion on this, but dimly recall that it was left 
> with different docs packages being largely self-contained, for the sort of 
> pragmatic resons that Malcolm suggests.
> Having said that, I don't recall any particular reasons why the docs couldn't 
> be handled in the same way as the applications/ or libraries/ directories.
> The only thing which might be worth noting is that the ./bootstrap files in 
> applications/, libraries/, docs/ and so on are slightly different from the 
> self-updating bootstrap files in leaf directories.  Not excitingly.

Sounds like we should treat this in a case by case. It may be that SGP can 
be done as a single bootstrap/configure in a "sgp application" because 
there are only simple tex files. Many of the suns are simple as well.

Leave "docs" like applications/ or libraries/ and then we can see how to 
simplify the sub dirs.

> Tim mentioned:
>> Yes. I'm assuming a new target, like the postscript one. dvipdfm seems to 
>> be more robust than dvipdf.
> pdflatex would probably be better than either, unless there's some particular 
> reason why a document has to go via Postscript.  The only reason I can think 
> of is that it uses pstricks.  The two problems with this are that CM fonts 
> can look odd viewed onscreen in a PDF reader (but they print out OK, and in 
> any case it might be better to switch the documents to using PS fonts, which 
> look fine), and that EPS images have to be converted to PDF before being 
> included.  I can probably sort either of these out if it presents any 
> trouble.

I had a bad experience with pdflatex and some eps/pdf files last week with 
the MN style file. dvipdf didn't work but dvipdfm worked fine.

We can try pdflatex if you want the challenge. I don't mind tweaking the 
docs to get it working but are you advocating automatically converting the 
eps files to pdf for inclusion or do we run epstopdf and commit the pdfs? 
(and change the documents to use graphicx without specifying file 
extensions). dvipdfm would be a quicker kluge to get working.

switching them all to latex2e and using "times" package should be pretty 

Tim Jenness
JAC software