

> >But then the real world.  I taught a few upper level Shakespeare courses 
> >in those good old 90's.  A desperate situation.  I was just grateful that 
> >some recognized that the turtle in "The Phoenix and the Turtle" didn't 
> >have a shell.
> It's a flying reptile, no?

But of course.

Etymologically, since the word is derived from "pterodactyl", this 
demonstrates that the Passionate Pilgrim represents the love-interest in an 
asynchronic anticipation of Jurrasic Park, soon to be renamed Derrida Meme 

... and as for Republic not meaning then what it meant now ...  So much for 
Walter Ralegh muttering, "better a republic than that illiterate Scotch 
bugger on the throne."

Well, I mean, look where it got *him.
