

Thanks Berry. I have made a concerted effort over the last couple of years
to replace "conservative" with a series of more accurate terms: wacko,
wingnut, radical, extremist, reactionary, etc. "Conservative" just isn't the
right term for the current neo-fascist US government & its remaining


On 8/22/07, Barry Alpert <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I'm glad to see your repeated usage "reactionary right".  The
> word "conservative", which for me once possessed a touch of the positive
> connotations I associate with "conserve", "conservationist",
> & "conservator", has become so pervasive that knee-jerk reactions are
> included under its umbrella.  I'd like to witness an exponential increase
> in the usage of the term "reactionary", which I believe is warranted.
> Barry Alpert

Joseph Duemer
Professor of Humanities
Clarkson University