


Literacy at the Crossroads

Date: Tuesday 11 September 2007
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: The Sekforde Arms, Sekforde Street, London EC1
Speaker: Robert Davidson, Sandstone Press

An inability to read and to use literacy skills for information-handling are
key factors in social exclusion.

In this talk, Robert will focus on the failure of British literacy policy
and discuss its consequences from the point of view of a small specialist
publisher. He will also talk about the difficulties of being a niche
publisher in this market.

Robert Davidson is a poet and the founder and Managing Director of Sandstone
Press Ltd.  He previously edited literary and arts magazines. He has
recently co-authored 'Shadow Behind the Sun' with Remzije Sherifi, a Kosovan
writer and broadcaster, on her experiences working with refugees and asylum

CILIP in London evening meetings are free and open to all with a
professional interest in the topic. Refreshments will be available
afterwards. As space is limited, please let us know if you are coming. It
would be helpful to tell us how you found out about the event. Contact
Phillip Powell at [log in to unmask]