


I am looking at the last update of the relocatable distribution for
glite 3.0 UI and WN (TAR_UI and TAR_WN).

I noticed two problems :

a) Function config_lcgenv faild with messages like :

line 44: 
No such file or directory

    I had to create the directories external/ to make it work :
    mkdir -p $INSTALL_ROOT/external/etc/profile.d

b) At the end of the yaim script, the function mktemp failed because
    the filename has only 4 X characters. On my system (SL3.0.2) this
    function works if I give 6 X characters.
    I patched the /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim script and it worked.
    diff ../bin/ ../bin/yaim
    <   mytmpfile=`mktemp /tmp/yaimtmp.XXXX`; rm -f ${mytmpfile}
    >   mytmpfile=`mktemp /tmp/yaimtmp.XXXXXX`; rm -f ${mytmpfile}


Jean-michel BARBET                    | Tel: +33 (0)2 51 85 84 86
Laboratoire SUBATECH Nantes France    | Fax: +33 (0)2 51 85 84 79
CNRS-IN2P3/Ecole des Mines/Universite | E-Mail: [log in to unmask]