

On 24/08/07, Julian Bradley <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Depending on your point of view ask the patient if they have any
> local lesion or examine the patient in detail for any local lesion -
> our urologists are particularly fussed about this after 1 patient in
> 20 yrs was referred for cystoscopy but had a penile tumour (not a
> patient I or my practice had any contact with, but I felt quite
> supportive of the GP concerned).

 but still surely a urological problem so an appropriate referral

I recollect reading some years ago that some kind of stereo
> microscopy could be used to differentiate renal and LUT blood loss,
> but I've asked about this a few times since and no-one locally has
> taken it up or thought it worth pursuing, and never got high enough
> on my priority list to find out more.

this was what i meant by red cell morpholgy - easy to ask for in Australia
anyway although sometimes the labs state insufficient red cells to make the
judgement. the local nephrologist however will often look at the urine
himself in these circumstances to make this call and is inclined not to go
for cystoscopy if he can convinve himself that the red cells are small in
number and derived from the kidney.

insurance medicals are often a problem - i had a patient with a mildly
raised ferretin that contibuted to a higher premium but was extremely
difficult to attribute to any significant pathology after a round of follow
up tests etc.

(Mount Gambier, S Australia)