

<cackles with laughter>

Habit, probably, as much as anything. Comfort obtained by observance of 
psycho-supportive ritual.
Round here, wakes are big, both in numbers and significance. Folk like 
to go to funerals also, to show up, to pay their respects. Tho in places 
like the Catholic end of Manchester, funerals get pretty packed out too, 
even though it all ends at the crematorium.

Spuds don't hold quite the same place in the national consciousness as 
they used to, though.
Idea for a thesis: Sea change in corpse disposal methods provoked by 
modern dietary theory with particular emphasis on the Atkins and Protein 
Power diets.


<<<<<Declan Fox wrote:

 >> Couldn't say. As I said, I am no expert on this but I have never 
heard of a Catholic over here being cremated! So must be some substance 
to the belief, if not the rationale for the belief.>>>

50% bullshit
50% habit
50% something completely other than what it is said to be but reasonably
understandable if one could get an actual statement of what is.

Now, if we assume that insectivorous flowering plants are a suitable
model for people's motivations (in which we are well within the
parameters of precision established by the management of the NHS)

and we assume that the prejudice of most London- - or even English-based
people that Ireland is boggy is correct;

and we assume that  potatoes require Nitrogen,

then it becomes obvious that the Irish must be buried.

If on the other hand we concentrated on phosphates, we would be well
outside my knowledge of gardening,

FOr the avoidance of all doubt, this is not a serious posting.>>>