

When I try to run fast it gives me the following errors.  Any help is appricated.  

bitina{cieplycj}: fast mh4spgr_ed.img 

FAST - FMRIB's Automated Segmentation Tool              Version 3.53

Image: /tmp/fsl_a6aOgd_mh4037spgr_ed

T1-weighted image
Imagesize : 256 x 256 x 124
Pixelsize : 0.937 x 0.937 x 1.5

Initial K-means segmentation...
8 main iterations ...

Segmentation done successfully!

Calculation time 519 seconds!

Write segmentation image /tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/QQQQQ_seg.hdr Successfully!

Class:          CSF             tissue 1        tissue 2        brain percentage
Volumes:        298744.5        466380.3        506404.0        0.765051
** ERROR: nifti_image_read(/tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/QQQQQ_seg.hdrn/tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/
QQQQQ_seg): can't open header file
** ERROR: nifti_image_open(/tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/QQQQQ_seg.hdrn/tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/
QQQQQ_seg): bad header info
Error: failed to open file /tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/QQQQQ_seg.hdrn/tmp/fsl_a6aOgd.fastout/
Error:: FslGetIntensityScaling: Null pointer passed for FSLIO