

Dear FSLs


After submitting a paper which uses a SIENA voxelwise analysis I have been asked the following questions by a reviewer:


1)       For the dilation used in SIENA what is the structural element used with this operator?


2)       What type of interpolation (nearest neighbour, splines etc.) is used when the aligned images are transformed to space halfway between them [this is done in the first part of siena_diff]


For 1) I have looked at the script siena_flow2std and can see avwmaths is used and the ‘-dil’ command is used 14 times but I’m still not sure what the structural element is.


For 2) I have tried to find the answer in the siena_flirt script but I am still not sure what type of interpolation is used.


Many thanks,


Matthew Kempton

Institute of Psychiatry
