

Hi Guys:

We've had some problems with the installation on our Windows machines 
and thought you be interested in some of our discoveries.

*Keyboard:*  FSL_vm loads a British mapping of the keyboard -- "not that 
there's anything wrong with it" but when you try to fill out the 
download form from within the newly installed virtual machine you can't 
get an (@) character until your realize that this character is actually 
buried beneath the (") key.  Also I never could figure out where the (|) 
character was -- so changed to local keyboard mapping   
(System-Preferences-Keyboard -LayoutsTab) -- In our case we added "U.S. 
English" and made that the default.

**: The install script failed
-- I'm not sure we understand everything that is going on here but I 
think this was happening for at least 3 reasons --

    * It seems like it wants a compiler (gcc) and that's apparently not
      part of the "minimal install of the CentOS 5 Linux distribution". 
    * The script does not accept the password you give it - we think you
      have to update /etc/sudoers to include the "fsl" account to make
      this work
    * It also seems like it was failing because FSLDIR is not defined
      early enough (or that command failed for some other reason) so it
      couldn't  find the machine type.

Date/Time:* Finally, I changed the time zone 
(System-DateTime-TimeZoneTab).  In that context -- When you hover over 
"System clock uses UTC" it suggests that this feature should not be 
checked in a Windows environment.

All of this can be overcome but we thought you might want to know about 
these details.

Looking forward to using the latest and greatest from FSL land.
