


I'm having an odd error with Featquery. For one subject in my sample 
everything seems to not work properly when passing in a mask. For 
example, in one instance I specify a mask that is 51 voxels in size, and 
everybody but this one subject spits out a featquery report that has 
'51' in the voxels column. This subject reports on 9265 voxels instead. 
The situation is the same, no matter what mask I pass in, with the 
problem subject wildly inflating the number of voxels to report upon.

The thing is, every step of my analysis from pre- to post-processing has 
been performed with for each loops, so everybody has been given exactly 
the same set of commands from dinifti through featquery. Does anybody 
have any ideas why this one subject would have this problem?


Jim Porter
TRiCAM Lab Coordinator
Elliott Hall N437