Hi All - is it possible to use the tbss_reg script with non-DTI data to do straightforward nonlinear
registration with fMRI data? I've got some particularly non-standard brains that don't register well with Flirt
and look like they would benefit from non-linear registration using the non-linear DR tools.

But just using tbss_reg fails:

# tbss_reg T1_brain avg152T1_brain

tbss_reg: line 136: 31175 Aborted                 ${D}/nreg ${REFERENCE}.hdr ${INPUT}.hdr -dofin ${I2R}_affine.dof -dofout ${I2R}_nonlinear.dof -ds 20 -Tp 0 -parameter ${D}/nonlinearCC.par

If I run the offending command by hand:

# ${FSLDIR}/bin/DR/nreg avg152T1_brain.hdr T1_brain.hdr -dofin T1_brain_to_avg152T1_brain_affine.dof -dofout nonlinear.dof -ds 20 -Tp 0 -parameter ${FSLDIR}/bin/DR//nonlinearCC.par

Reading target ... done
Reading source ... done

I've played around with changing the parameter file that is called in ${FSLDIR}/bin/DR/nonlinearCC.par
but whatever I try I can't see to get away from the 'Aborted' error. It looks like I am doing something wrong
in principle. Can anyone advise?

many thanks

Daniel Irlam Ph.D
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